The Riverside Library is Green (and Purple) with Envy
About Share PurchaseThere are a fair amount of photos that I take that people assume are heavily Photoshopped. I am forever being asked if this photo of lightning is real. It is. This is another image that people assume (or inform me) has been heavily Photoshopped. And it hasn’t. This is the way it looks. The only thing taken out was a few power lines.
This photo of the Riverside Library and the Des Plaines River appears with these unusual colors because of the strange combination of color temperatures at work in the lights here. The lights by the bridge are powerfully yellow. When the camera is adjusted for them, it makes everything else bluer; case in point, see the snow? Since the lights shining on the outside of the library are a less powerful shade of yellow than the bridge lights, the extra color temperature compensation turns them green and the water purple. Never has a less edited image appeared more fake than this one.
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